Communication with others – DISC model

Why is it that with some people we can understand each other without words, while with others we have difficulty holding ordinary conversations? What are the reasons for the differences in the way we communicate? What are the personality types and how to effectively communicate with them? We will try to answer these and many other questions in the rest of the article.

Table of Contents

  1. 4 personality types – D I S C
  2. Color Red (D)
  3. Color Yellow (I)
  4. Color Green (S)
  5. Color Blue (C)

1. 4 personality types – D I S C

William Marston is considered the main creator of the DISC personality model, which laid the groundwork for further analysis. He distinguished 4 basic personalities by giving them corresponding colors.

It is worth noting that each of these colors is a positive color however, with its own drawbacks. Each of them can be a good, effective boss/boss however, approaching the role in a different way. The predisposition to perform certain roles is written in the colors in question, but this does not mean that they cannot play other team roles. According to scientific studies, people are a mix of colors – only 5% of the population are monochromatic, 8% are a mix of two, while the rest combine as many as three colors. There are no people who naturally have every color in them. Of course, we can use any of them and adapt our behavior to the situation, however, it costs us a lot more energy, as it is then not our natural behavior.

2. Color Red (D)

A person who is characterized by dominant red is in constant motion and rush of life. It is action-oriented and realizes all goals. Decisions are made quickly and decisively without much analysis of possible options. She is not afraid to take risks and innovative solutions. Through her directness and sincerity, she can instill fear in those around her and be perceived as an emotionless person with a critical approach to others.

In communication, he prefers simple, concise content – no wrapping up, because then he loses interest and sense of conversation. Meetings with red need to be short and substantive – it’s best to prepare an agenda beforehand and stick to it. Reds are task-oriented people, so check lists are one of the best tools, because then they can see how the work is going. They perceive other color as slow and indecisive. They feel best in leadership positions, where they can distribute tasks, control others and decide how work is progressing – they like to feel power and authority.

3. Color Yellow (I)

A person who is characterized by inspirational yellow must constantly be in the company of other people, then he feels in his element. At work, she is oriented to take care of good social relations. She acts quickly and dynamically, guided by intuition and creative thinking. She prefers technological innovations. She quickly finds herself in new surroundings, likes to be the center of attention – she is simply the soul of the company.

In communication, he shortens the distance very quickly, often deviates from the topic descends into side topics. A meeting with a yellow takes much longer than with a red precisely because of his talkativeness. He does not find himself in tables and details. During a conversation it is very important to provide a good atmosphere, because this is when the yellow feels he is flowing and is most effective. He perceives others as rigid because they focus on less important, in his opinion, issues. He feels best in a position where he rotates in the company of others, where communication skills are needed, but also as a member of many teams where he can be the star.

4. Color Green (S)

A person who is characterized by stable green is empathetic, sensitive and has a perfect understanding of the needs of those around him. He puts concern for others above his own needs. He acts calmly, controls his emotions and thinks for a long time. She doesn’t like conflicts, so she will hardly ever say something on her own, only when she is triggered. She prefers her already familiar surroundings, without change or novelty. She appreciates working in a team that she already knows, because then she feels safe in it and can work effectively.

In communicating with a green, you need to provide a sense of security and build a relationship with him calmly. The meeting should be a collaborative one with a partner, during which he will feel supported and understood. He feels best in a position where he can help others, care for others, and in a stable, familiar team where he knows he can speak.

5. Color Blue (C)

A person who is characterized by analytical blue is focused only on numbers, data, facts and all the details that will help make the right decision. Very thorough in examining every element, he is thorough in what he does. He is not able to act on his intuition only on deeply analyzed facts. He prefers to create rules, norms of operation and procedures that make work easier, in his opinion. He strives to be perfect in everything he does. He dislikes chaos and confusion.

When communicating with a blue, you have to pay a great deal of attention to the choice of words. He poses many questions to others and expects answers to each of them. A meeting with a blue person must be carefully planned. The file you want to present must contain all the details, although there will still be too few. He perceives others as inaccurate people who make decisions without thinking which, in his opinion, causes many mistakes. He feels best in a position where he can cut himself off from people and focus on numbers and all the details.

If you want to learn how to effectively manage communication in a team, especially one composed of people with different personality types, we invite you to take advantage of our lean training and implementation workshops.