Practical exercises supported by theory
Quality Standards
Quality Standards
co to jest szkolenia certyfikowane2 1
What is it?

Certified training

is a theoretical presentation of issues combined with practical exercises, held in fairly small groups (10-30 people). Training is provided both in the form of classroom training and there is the possibility of online training to suit our client's needs.

The topics we offer include hard aspects - related to Lean Manufacturing, as well as soft training - related to universally understood management and communication with people. Each training participant will receive a certificate confirming the acquisition of knowledge and skills.

What the training course looks like:


Knowledge transferred in small portions, mini-lectures

Practical exercises

Tasks based on real experiences, immediate opportunity to test knowledge


Examples of implementation 10%

Explanation based on real challenges and solutions for continuous improvement of companies

webinar 1 hour

stationary 1 or 2 days

webinar 1 hour

stationary 1 or 2 days


Available training

The aim of LEAN training is to show the practical application of LEAN techniques, specific methods and the introduction of a LEAN culture in a company. This will enable you to achieve a competitive advantage in the market through continuous process improvement and increased employee involvement.

<div class="inner-wrapper"><span> Lean Management <br> in production </span> <span><br> 17.03.2025 - stationary <br> 18.03.2025 - online</span></div>

Lean Management
in production

17.03.2025 - stationary
18.03.2025 - online

Lean Management
in production

17.03.2025 - stationary
18.03.2025 - online

Want to learn how to eliminate waste and reduce take-offs in the production process?
<div class="inner-wrapper"><span> Lean Management <br> in production </span> <span><br> 17.03.2025 - stationary <br> 18.03.2025 - online</span></div>
<div class="inner-wrapper"><span> Lean Office - streamline your work </span> <span><br>18.03.2025 - stationary <br> 19.03.2025 - online</span></div>

Lean Office - streamline your work
18.03.2025 - stationary
19.03.2025 - online

Lean Office - streamline your work
18.03.2025 - stationary
19.03.2025 - online

Wondering how to increase your efficiency within your day-to-day activities?
<div class="inner-wrapper"><span> Lean Office - streamline your work </span> <span><br>18.03.2025 - stationary <br> 19.03.2025 - online</span></div>
<div class="inner-wrapper"><span> Standardization and 5S - quality by standard</span> <span><br>19.03.2025 - stationary <br> 20.03.2025 - online </span></div>

Standardization and 5S - quality by standard
19.03.2025 - stationary
20.03.2025 - online

Standardization and 5S - quality by standard
19.03.2025 - stationary
20.03.2025 - online

Are you interested in how to reduce process times to keep up with the volatility of customer orders?
<div class="inner-wrapper"><span> Standardization and 5S - quality by standard</span> <span><br>19.03.2025 - stationary <br> 20.03.2025 - online </span></div>
<div class="inner-wrapper"><span>TWI - Training Within Industry </span> <span><br>20.03.2025 - stationary <br> 21.03.2025 - online </span></div>

TWI - Training Within Industry
20.03.2025 - stationary
21.03.2025 - online

TWI - Training Within Industry
20.03.2025 - stationary
21.03.2025 - online

Wondering how to speed up the employee onboarding process?
<div class="inner-wrapper"><span>TWI - Training Within Industry </span> <span><br>20.03.2025 - stationary <br> 21.03.2025 - online </span></div>
<div class="inner-wrapper"><span> Problem solving - find a solution </span> <span><br>21.03.2025 - stationary <br> 24.03.2025 - online </span></div>

Problem solving - find a solution
21.03.2025 - stationary
24.03.2025 - online

Problem solving - find a solution
21.03.2025 - stationary
24.03.2025 - online

Do you want to make your team more effective at creative problem solving?
<div class="inner-wrapper"><span> Problem solving - find a solution </span> <span><br>21.03.2025 - stationary <br> 24.03.2025 - online </span></div>
It is worth choosing us

We will adapt to your needs


Online & Stationary

We offer a variety of training options. On-site (Tricity) but also other locations and online training, adapting to the current needs of participants

Open & Closed

We organise training both for groups of participants from different companies (open) and for entire teams from one company (dedicated, closed).

Theory/practice 30/70

Interactive training, high employee involvement fast pace, question-and-answer, mini LEAN deployment activity

Soft Skills & Tools

Our training programme provides a comprehensive understanding of the tools and necessary soft skills
What you gain as a


Career development is an active investment in yourself, for now and the future.
What you gain as a


Openness to the continuous expansion of knowledge within the organisation is a strong asset in today's fast-changing company reality.
We have diverse experience


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Customer reviews

Not sure which training to choose?

We will carry out a training needs survey
